A-Z of Notable 8-Bit Shmups

1 player
Stand out 8-bit versions - NES
Peculiar, biologically themed multi-directional shooter, that's a cross between Salamander (the overall design) and Sidearms (forward and reverse firing). A difficult game but rewarding.
Aleste/Power Strike
1 player
Stand out 8-bit version - MSX 2
Great Compile shooter which was a much improved evolution of their previous NES game Zanac. An influential title, I also always liked the way that most of the power-ups could be used so well defensively as well as offensively. Try to go for the superior MSX version over the good, but very downgraded Master System game.
Ano Gaia
1 player
Play it on - ZX Spectrum
ano gaia on spectrum
It may not look like much (few Speccy games did) but what it lacks in looks Ano more than makes up in supremely well designed levels, and a perfectly judged difficulty curve. Ano Gaia feels very much like a vertically scrolling sibling to Zynaps, having a similar style to the levels.
2 player simultaneous
Stand out 8-bit versions - C64
Thalamus perfectly built on the groundwork laid down by R-Type with this superlative shooter, this time giving you pretty much total control over your "force pod" as pressing the space bar causes it to stay exactly wherever you leave it, which is handy as it means you can stay out of harms way while it does all the work
Burai Fighter
1 Player
Stand out 8-bit versions - NES
burai fighter
Nice little game, with a ludicrously garish design that's quite fun and has excellent controls (when you're facing the correct direction, hold down the fire button to stay facing that way). The cramped, direction changing levels work well with the overall control and power-up design.
1 Player
Stand out 8-bit versions - C64
Kind of like a companion piece to Armalyte in many ways. Taking inspiration from R-Type also, instead of building on the Force pod like Armalyte did, Catalypse works more on the idea of the "bits" (those things in R-Type that float above you that you can ram enemies with)
Crisis Force
2 Player simultaneous
Stand out 8-bit version - NES
crisis force on famicom
Amazing graphics (with impressive parallax) awesome set-pieces, a fantastic weapon system where you can change between 3 different craft on the fly each with their own strengths, and a two player co-op mode. No exaggeration this could quite possibly be the best vertical shooter on any 8-bit format, it really is just that good.
1 Player
Stand out 8-bit version - C64
delta on c64
One of those shooters where you really must collect the power-ups early on (though thankfully you don't lose them when you die). Destroy the waves of enemies, then, depending on how many waves you've wiped out you get the option for that many power-ups (collectable blocks turn blue, but you can only pick up one per section) an influential old C64 classic.
Dragon Spirit
1 player
Stand out 8-bit version - NES
dragon spirit on nes
Bandai really went town on the NES version of Dragon spirit, fantastic presentation, great music, cool bosses, even extra stages. The game play may not be the most original but it certainly ticks all the right boxes.
Enforcer - Fullmetal Megablaster
1 player
Stand out 8-bit versions - C64
enforcer fullmetal megablaster
Fantastic, frenetic blaster from the people who brought you Turrican and Katakis. Completely unbelievable graphics for the C64 (probably the best graphics for any C64 shooter ever). impressive bosses and a first rate styling.
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