Reviews Archive
Lack of Love   Lack of Love on Dreamcast
  A very strange import game from the people who would go on to make Chibi Robo for the GameCube. In the game you play as a life form that is trying to survive and evolve, you do this by helping other creatures with their problems by using four different actions (speak, attack, sleep, and urinate), pressing the start button shows you which animals to focus on. Its a high-concept game that requires patience as there's rarely any obvious clues to follow, you just need to observe these creatures to try to get an idea of what they need from you, as such getting stuck is quite common. Definitely one for diehard game fans who like to try something different.
Demolition Racer: No Exit   Demolition Racer no Exit
  This is a very enhanced update of the earlier PS1 game Demolition Racer. No Exit is a racing game built around destruction (its made by some of the same people who worked on the Destruction Derby series). Coming first here only gives you a points multiplier, its the points themselves that you need to win each race, and its smashing cars and causing pile-ups that afford you said points. So you essentially hang back gaining points off your opponents until the last lap, and then make a rush for 1st place. Its a novel idea that gives the game a nice level of originality and makes for some exhilarating races and action.
Cool Cool Toon   Cool Cool Toon
  Import-only rhythm action game from SNK where you hold the analogue stick in specific directions whilst pressing buttons in rhythm to the beat. Its a good game with a lot of catchy tunes and nice aesthetics and backgrounds and is also one of the few titles to support Samba De Amigo's Maraca controller (though its still a lot of fun with or without it).
Record of Lodoss War   Record of Lodoss War
  This is a great hack n' slash Diablo-style RPG based on the popular Anime. Whilst the story unfolds you essentially run through the dungeons hacking at the hordes of monsters and recruiting AI-controlled party members to help. The deeper part of the gameplay involves searching out and collecting runes, these runes can be combined with the equipment for various effects and stat boosts. Its a good RPG for fans of the more western-styled RPGs but may disappoint those looking for a more familiar, cinematic JRPG.
Mr Driller   Mr Driller on Dreamcast
  Puzzle game from Namco where you need to drill through the ground, being careful not to get crushed by falling rocks. The main element of the gameplay here is to not just survive, but to work out the best way to collect all of the air as you make your way down, maximising points, and its this element that adds longevity to the experience. The Dreamcast port is higher resolution, and slightly higher colour than the PS1 game, but unfortunately that's about it for extras.
Shadowman   Shadowman on Dreamcast
  Creepy Action-Adventure game based on the comic book from Valiant. The game has you traveling through the underworld searching for Dark Souls, once collected these souls power-up the character and allow access to previously blocked areas. Its an atmospheric game with good puzzles and a memorable setting. Out of all the ports this is the best console version of the game available, better than the respectable N64 version (which has worse sound and framerate), and leagues ahead of the poor, rushed PS1 version.
Cannon Spike   Cannon Spike
  No-nonsense 2-player top-down shooter from Psikyo and Capcom that stars a variety of their characters, (Mega Man, Cammy, Arthur from Ghost's n' Goblins etc). You get 360 degree firing with a target-lock, a screen clearing move to get out of dangerous situations, melee moves and a powered up attack. For the most part its simply all about dodging bullets and destroying bosses. A polished and fun arcade game.
Elemental Gimmick Gear   Elemental Gimmick Gear
  2D Action Adventure that's in the vein of earlier Zelda titles, except with 3D boss fights. In the game you play as a stranger who was found long ago in suspended animation inside a strange mech-suit, after a long period of sleep you suddenly wake up with total amnesia. As mentioned earlier the game plays like earlier Zelda games, you explore, you find health upgrades and new equipment and gain new abilities to progress. You get a punch move, as well as a very useful spin attack which uses up energy. Its a well made game that's a good example of its type, with good aesthetics, music and art design, unfortunately though the translation work here is poor, its not so bad that it detracts too much from the gameplay but it's noticeable.
Outtrigger   Outtrigger
  A first person shooter from Sega that is similar to Deathmatch fps games like Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament (though really its very much its own thing). The game doesn't really focus on weaponry much and is mainly about power-ups, straight action, and collecting coins. In the game you get a point for each kill, but another can be gained by picking up a coin that's dropped after the kill. The cramped, layered design of the levels facilitates a lot of last minute coin steals from other players, thereby lending the game a slightly different feel to the other first person shooters out there. Outtrigger looks good, plays well in 4-player and runs extremely well, with the framerate staying consistent. There are a plethora of control options, with "D1" representing the standard Dreamcast FPS controls.
NFL 2K2   NFL 2K2
  Acclaimed series of American Football games that introduced on the Dreamcast to high praise. NFL2k games represented the high point of the time in the sport, with great gameplay, graphics, and impressive (for the time) AI. The game is full of excellent options including a lot for player customisation, and the Dreamcast version has support for VMU play calling, so you can choose tactics without your opponent knowing.
Atari ST
Atari VCS
Commodore 64
Game Boy
Master System
Mega Drive
Neo Geo
PC Engine
ZX Spectrum