Reviews Archive
Headhunter   Headhunter on Dreamcast
  Stealthy action-adventure game that was billed as an answer to Metal gear Solid but came out just a little too late, only just getting a Euro release for Dreamcast. The game is pretty impressive for its time, with nice graphics and a big open world for you to travel around to get from mission to mission. Gameplay has you solving puzzles, getting involved in gunfights, stealthing lackeys (admittedly sometimes doesn't work as well as it should), and riding around on a Motorbike. The storyline is pretty good, with a lot of tongue-in-cheek satire and fake adverts (similar to the original Robocop movie) and there's many memorable set-pieces too. A good PS2 port is available with only a few minor downgrades to shadow effects and control as its only real detriment.
Ecco: Defender of the Future   Ecco Defender of the Future
  After a long hiatus Ecco the Dolphin returned to gaming, and this time in full 3D. This is a challenging action-adventure game where you swim through the ocean exploring, solving puzzles and helping sea-creatures whilst traveling back and forth through time and to alternate future's in an effort to deal with "The Foe". The game has great graphics and is thick with atmosphere, its tricky to get a handle on at first but after some initial effort it grabs you in and you'll want to reach the next area to see what happens. There's actually a PS2 port also available which was made easier and more straightforward, those who tend to get lost in these types of games may be better off with that version to be totally honest.
Ooga Booga   Ooga Booga
  Underrated 4-player title that stands as easily one of the best party games on the system. The game has you collecting fruit which can be used as projectiles or to take control of Totem poles littered around the levels (they basically act as your own personal guard towers). You get a melee attack, and are also able to commandeer animals such as wild boars or birds to help you lay the smack-down on your enemies. Outside of the main mode you get others, such as the equally brilliant "Boar Polo" that has you knocking a boulder through the opponents goal. The game has a weak-ish single-player, but the multiplayer is great fun, and the game is packed full of humour and charm.
Project Justice: Rival Schools 2   Project Justice
  Capcom's manic and colourful sequel to their earlier 3D fighting game for Arcade and original Playstation, Rival Schools. The game plays a little like their "Vs" series, but in 3D, with you able to pull off aerial raves and call in back-up during the match from your two teammates in reserve. Its accessible, and over-the-top fun.
Ferrari F355 Challenge   Ferrari F355 on Dreamcast
  Here's a nice racing game from Sega which manages to aim for realism whilst still retaining that classic Sega Arcade game look and atmosphere. The game looks great and has an inordinate amount of attention to detail in the cars and the way they handle. A slightly graphically downgraded version is also available for the PS2.
Starlancer   Starlancer
  Good looking Spaceship game ported from the PC by the people who made the acclaimed Wing Commander series. Here you fly around following (and giving) orders, taking part in dogfights, and/or protecting defenseless ships from attack. The storyline changes as you progress and there are many branching pathways to see based on how well you do. The controls here are very complicated but work adequately well with practice and make for some exciting dogfights. Starlancer also has an online multiplayer component which plays well, and its actually one of the few titles which still works online today even after all these years!
Rayman 2   Rayman 2 on Dreamcast
  Port of the classic 3D platformer that had you jumping and grappling your way through the levels with Rayman, solving minor puzzles and riding around on rockets. This Dreamcast version is often considered the best version of the game available, sporting a rock-solid framerate and some improved texturing and additional environments over the PC version. An excellent example of how to make a 3D sequel to a 2D game.
Toy Commander   Toy Commander
  Quirky Mission-based game that has you controlling a huge variety of different toy vehicles, ranging from land-based tanks and jeeps to airplanes, bi-planes and helicopters amongst many others. You control these toys around a house completing a variety of novel missions such as dropping sugar into a cup or dealing with a rampaging monsters in Rabbit-costumes. The game also has a very good 4-player dogfight mode that gives you full choice of all the vehicles and a number of different modes.
Typing of the Dead   Typing of the Dead
  Sega coming out with yet another madcap idea for the dreamcast, here they have converted their well-loved lightgun shooter House of the dead 2 into an entirely different game that makes full use of the keyboard peripheral. In the game the usual Zombies lumber towards you, but now they each have a sentence hovering over them, you need to type the sentence out before they reach you to dispatch the Zombie. The concept actually makes for a very fun, intense, and original experience, all whilst improving your typing ability!
Soul Reaver   Suol Reaver on Dreamcast
  Another classic game from the PS1 generation that's been improved for Dreamcast. Soul Reaver is an imaginative and moody action adventure game which has you playing as the recently reincarnated vampire Raziel trying to get revenge on those who wronged him. The gameplay has you exploring the world gaining new abilities which allow you access to new areas, the combat is well done, with a lot of fun elements (you can throw the Vampire's into direct sunlight or carry them and impale them on spikes for instance), its full of well thought out puzzles and the storyline is interesting and well directed. This version sports improved graphics over the PC game, with slight improvements to texturing and polygon count, as such its the best version of the game available.
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