"This is a fun game, maybe a little too short and lacking in original ideas but its entertaining. The gameplay has some similarities to Mega Man X, with you climbing walls and collecting new moves as you progress and such but I don't feel that the implementation is quite as good, the moves you collect don't feel like they're integrated into the level design quite as well as they were in Capcom's game and they don't feel as imaginative either. I also feel that for 1994 this is somewhat lacking in impressive effects as well, the bosses in games like Dynamite Headdy blow away this game's offerings in complexity. Not to say the game doesn't have a lot of good points, its definitely a varied and polished game, its just a bit too easy and not quite original enough for 1994 in my opinion so its only just missed a 4/5 for me. Had this been released a year earlier I think I would've given it a 4/5 but by 1994 the bar was just too high."