Goof Troop |
60 |
With Goof Troop Capcom proved that they weren't opposed to taking a chance with their disney licenses, instead of the usual platforming fare they instead went with a fun puzzle design. A very nice overall design coupled with a fantastic 2-player mode makes it one of the best puzzle games on the system, its just a shame that its a little on the short side. |
Metal Marines |
59 |
Classic strategy game where you order mechs around, a must for any SNES fans with an interest in strategy game. |
Mega Man X |
58 |
The first big change for the Mega Man series, with the original Mega Man now being replaced by the new, more agile "X". Game play was also overhauled, using a more exploration based design with new power-up elements, these really help to give the game more depth. One minor criticism though, I could never really shake the feeling that instead of getting stronger i'd just been crippled in the beginning only to have to work to reach my normal power level as the game went on. |
Mega Lo Mania |
57 |
Brilliant strategy game ported from the Amiga, unfortunately never released in the US (though the Genesis version did see a release under the title "Tyrants") |
Super Turrican |
56 |
An awesome update of the classic games which brought the series perfectly into the new generation, containing more focused game play, the return of some of the classic bosses and quite possibly the highest quality music to ever come out of the SNES, Super Turrican was a fantastic success of commendable quality. |
Lost Vikings |
55 |
Puzzle platformer containing clever level designs where you have to control three different vikings each with different specialties. |
Super Ghouls N' Ghosts |
54 |
For the SNES Capcom decided to design a completely new game in their well loved series, they toned down the action elements and went for a more precision based platforming experience here, with a heavy emphasis on the new double jump feature, the outcome was yet another original take on the platforming genre. |
Mega Man & Bass/Rockman & Forte |
53 |
Personally I feel that this was the best of the original Mega Man games on the SNES. Unlike Mega Man 7, with this you didn't quite feel as much like you were taking a step backwards after the excellent X series, mainly due to the fact that not only were the original series' elements reworked and improved upon, but you were given more features such as character choice. Apart from the game play this also had a really mellow feel, from the difficulty level to the atmosphere and music. |
Kirby's Avalanche |
52 |
A re branded version of the excellent Puyo Puyo series of puzzle classics with an added Kirby theme. Its kind of like the counterpart to Dr Robotnick's Mean Bean Machine on Mega Drive. |
Addams Family |
51 |
Few games treated the player with as much respect as this, you're pretty much thrown into a completely non linear world with this game and given complete freedom to do whatever you want, its pretty much designed with people who'd played the Mario games to death and now wanted a bigger, more difficult challenge in mind |