Hyper Duel
Hyper Duel
From the same company that made the classic Thunder Force series, Hyper Duel easily lives up to its pedigree (frenetic action and impressive set pieces) whilst offering a very different and original experience. Apart from going for a more mech-based Macross feel (you can transform between robot and ship), the game also deviates from the TF series by allowing you to collect extra supporting ships which independently fly around the screen helping you, their mortal nature tends to push you towards protecting them, providing covering fire so as to allow you to accumulate a small gang as you progress. Hyper Duel is also a phenomenal arcade port, every aspect of the game was actually improved during its transition to Saturn, graphics, music, and gameplay.
Marvel Vs Street Fighter
Marvel Vs Street Fighter
Here's yet another reason for the Saturn's reputation for being a fighting game powerhouse. Marvel Vs Street Fighter sports a very different feel to many of the other Capcom games out there, its just a lot more over the top and hectic, and the ability to swap between two characters at any time in-game and do combination attacks lends a very different (and very fun) style to the gameplay. As usual this was a very accurate port of the arcade game (unlike the dire PS1 version which should be avoided at all cost) with all the features and animation pretty much intact.
Souky is yet another beautifully crafted scrolling shmup for Saturn. The weapon system is very well implemented, being somewhat similar to the one used in Layer Section, pressing the button fires, whilst holding it down locks onto enemies below you that are within range, letting it go sends homing missiles to all targets highlighted. Apart from the weapon system Souky is simply very well paced, and includes some awesome boss fights, but what really stands out is the truly commendable, and artistic design, which creates an atmosphere which is second to none.
Virtua Cop 2
Virtua Cop 2 on Saturn
After many people did a double take after seeing the first Virtua Cop ("but I though Saturn couldn't do 3D?") Sega came back with this sequel, which looked even better than the last! Virtua Cop 2's main improvements over the original lightgun classic (apart from the graphics) have to be its faster, more intense pacing, and increased longevity (an important element where it comes to home ports), the game's inclusion of branching paths means its pretty much double the length of the original, and the introduction of the 3-shot multiplier (shoot someone three times in different places in quick succession to get a higher score) rewards replay and mastery.
Dragon Force
Dragon Force
Dragon Force is a very addictive game which balances both RPG and strategy element extremely well. The battles are huge in scope, and very impressive, allowing you to see the armies battle against each other on a unit by unit basis, while you, as the general throw around spells. The developers really did do an admirable job in all areas, the campaign is very long, and made even longer by the inclusion of multiple endings for each character, and they do a good job at keeping the story interesting, and involving.
Saturn Bomberman
Saturn Bomberman
As far as I'm concerned this is actually the best Bomberman game ever made, and the best Bomberman ever likely to be made. Apart from the fact that it has what is, in my opinion the best selection of power-up's for balanced multiplayer, Saturn Bomberman also feels like Hudson went to town adding fan service, they even included the option to play as characters from their other, non-Bomberman series, such as Master Higgins from the Adventure Island series, and Bonk. There's options for up to 10-player simultaneous local play, and even the campaign mode (which includes 2-player co-op) is surprising well crafted, with good attention to detail and presentation.
Duke Nukem 3D
Duke Nukem on Saturn
Lobotomy do it again with this brilliant port of Duke Nukem. If there's anyone out there that isn't familiar with the game, Duke Nukem was one of the highest profile PC releases to come in the wake of Doom, the game contained loads of fast action, some neat new inclusions such as the jet pac, and most notably, interactive environments which, amongst other things contained loads of adult humour. This version is very accurate to the original, its very smooth, and (as far as I can see) uncensored too.
Fighters Megamix
Fighters Megamix
Sega's amalgamation of their Fighting Vipers, and Virtua Fighter series' (both some of the most respected home fighting series' for that period) created yet another brilliant game, and easily one of the best value for money deals of the time with its huge character roster. Fighters Megamix feels more like FV in gameplay than VF, emphasising faster, more action packed gameplay, the graphics are also more akin to FV, gearing more towards lighting effects than VF's high resolution.
Wipeout XL
Wipeout XL on Saturn
A very good port of the PS1 classic. Wipeout has to be one of those series' which really shines with the attention to style and detail, having a very distinct look of its own. The gameplay is some of the deepest out there, with much skill and perseverance required for the harder levels, and the tracks themselves are well designed and respectable in number too.
Shining Force III
Shining Force III
Shining Force III does its classic predecessors justice and provides a fantastic strategy rpg experience. The plot is strong and constantly moving forward, the graphics clear, crisp, and expressive, and the strategy elements deep, and very well thought out. This is actually the 1st part of a 3 part series, the 2nd two parts were never released in English, but fortunately you do get some level of closure upon finishing so the game can be played and enjoyed for its own merits.
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