Reviews Archive
Madden   madden 3do
  For a time the 3DO was billed as the best console for sports games available, this early praise was mostly due to the high quality EA sports games, with this and FIFA springing immediately to mind as some of the best you could get on any format when they originally came out. Of course the 3DO's sports crown would eventually be completely usurped by the PS1 and Saturn, but the many sports games on the system remain fun.
Lucienne's Quest   lucienne's quest 3do
  I was quite surprised by the quality of this 3D JRPG. Lucienne's Quest is honestly actually pretty good for the time, not up to the high standards of any of the major JRPG releases, but still a reasonable effort. The game has quite a nice plot with good dialogue, isn't too short and has a pretty decent battle system too. It's basically an all-around solid, proper Japanese RPG but on the 3DO!
Flashback   Flashback on 3DO
  Flashback is a cinematic platform game with adventuring aspects that built upon the gameplay, look, and animation techniques of earlier games such as Out of this World and Prince of Persia. The game has a memorable and in depth storyline as well as some really nice graphics and beautiful design. Its not a whole lot different to the 16-bit original truth be told, but all of the crude looking 3D sections were replaced for the 3DO port with FMV sequences, which was a nice improvement.
Incredible Machine   incredible machine 3do
  This is a fantastic physics based puzzle game which became popular originally on the PC and ended up receiving many sequels on that format. Each level gives you an objective and certain items you can use, the mission for the level in the screenshot on the right for instance is "put the basketball through the hoop" so you have to use what you have to complete said mission. The 3DO version is actually the only console version ever made and retains all the original game's charm.
Star Fighter   Star Fighter on 3DO
  This is a really nice mission-based shooter from Studio 3DO that was originally a computer game for the Acorn Archimedes, now updated for the 3DO hardware. Everything moves well and at a nice speed, and the different missions for each level stop the game from falling into repetition like many of the other shooters of the time. Did well enough to end up getting ported to some of the more successful formats later on but the original creators did not work on those ports and they suffered from many downgrades as a result.
Gex   gex 3do
  Poor old Gex gets a lot of stick, admittedly the voiceovers grate and become annoying quite fast, but the graphics and gameplay in this 1995 platfomer are very high quality and its a decent length with some nice secrets to discover. There was actually some nice new ideas in the game too with Gex's ability to stick to walls, which helped to give it some of it's own personality. Gex would end up appearing on many other games on many other systems, but this 3DO version was where it started.
Killing Time   killing time 3do
  A pretty original and all around cool FPS for the 3DO, it admittedly starts out quite lackluster and even I nearly gave up after 10 minutes (no lie the first enemies in this game are some of the hardest to deal with in the game!) but as soon as you get into the mansion the game does a complete u-turn, the enemies become interesting, the music is excellent and the environment stops being as maze like. The unique thing about it is that there's no levels, it's more like you're in a huge mansion you have to explore and solve puzzles in, akin to the ones in the later Castlevania games. You can save at any time and can only access certain areas when you have the right items, you can also find new abilities to make the game easier which have to be topped up as the game progresses. Given that the movement unfortunately often isn't quite smooth enough, its these adventuring aspects which really make it worthwhile.
Puzzle Bobble   Puzzle Bobble on 3DO
  A puzzle classic, this 3DO version is pretty much just a port of the excellent SNES game with CD audio and a higher colour count, but its still the same clever and unique title it always was. Basically the goal is to just aim and shoot out coloured bubbles at groups of similar coloured bubbles to burst them. The single player mode is excellent in its own right, but two player is where the game really shines.
Samurai Shodown   samurai shodown 3do
  After the Neo Geo original this was easily the next best port for the time of the excellent SNK fighter. All the characters were there including the huge Earthquake (who had to be cut from many of the other ports), and the zoom feature and all the blood was left intact too. A fantastic alternative to the equally quality port of Street Fighter II the 3DO received.
Theme Park   theme park 3do
  I really can't think of any management simulation game that held my attention quite like Theme Park, the game is just so brilliantly executed with everything balancing out perfectly. The art design is also great, its a colourful and detailed game, with all the little people with their thought balloons walking around going about their business! The fact that you have to put money into research to get new rides constantly also makes you want to get further to see everything. This version doesn't support the mouse, but it works fairly well with the joypad and the game runs well, there's also some nice additional FMV's of the rides to play.
Atari ST
Atari VCS
Commodore 64
Game Boy
Master System
Mega Drive
Neo Geo
PC Engine
ZX Spectrum